Pigment Coch 122-Corimax Coch 122D
Mae Pigment Red 122 yn napthol coch cysgodol dwfn gydag ysgafnder da iawn hyd yn oed mewn arlliwiau canolig. Mae Pigment Red 122 ychydig yn sensitif i flodeuo ar grynodiadau isel iawn.
Paramedrau technegol Pigment coch 122
Mynegai Lliw Rhif. | Pigment Coch 122 |
Enw Cynnyrch | Corimax Coch 122D |
Categori cynnyrch | Pigment Organig, Pigment Coch |
Rhif CAS | 16043-40-6/980-26-7 |
Rhif yr UE | 213-561-3 |
Teulu Cemegol | Quinacridone |
Pwysau Moleciwlaidd | 340.37 |
Fformiwla Moleciwlaidd | C22H16N2O2 |
Gwerth PH | 7.0-8.0 |
Dwysedd | 1.6 |
Amsugno Olew (ml / 100g)% | 40-50 |
Cyflymder Ysgafn (cotio) | 7-8 |
Gwrthiant Gwres (cotio) | 180 |
Cyflymder Ysgafn (plastig) | 7-8 |
Gwrthiant Gwres (plastig) | 280 |
Gwrthiant Dŵr | 5 |
Gwrthiant Olew | 5 |
Gwrthiant Asid | 5 |
Gwrthiant Alcali | 5 |
Lliw | ![]() |
Dosbarthiad arlliw |
Zeyachem supplies high performance Quinacridone pigments that provide a range of red colors (yellowish to violet) with very high tinting strength.
The high solvent fastness and excellent light and weather fastness of Quinacridone pigments make them suitable for many demanding pigment applications in coatings and inks. Their excellent heat stability make them suitable for use in various plastic colorant applications such as polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyester spin dyeing, polyolefins and ABS.
Pigment Red 122 (C.I. 73915) is a Quinacridone-based clean bluish red pigment, referred to as pink, with very good overall fastness properties, including light fastness, weather fastness, heat fastness, and excellent migration properties. It is recommended for applications in coatings, including outdoor coatings, architectural coatings, industrial coatings, automotive OEM, and car refinishing.
Nodweddion: Corimax Red 122D pigment coch cysgodol melynaidd gydag eiddo perfformiad uchel a chyflymder rhagorol.
Pigment Red 122 is an all-around pink, it belongs to Quinacridone chemistry, application covers all kinds of polymers. Comparable with Clariant Pink E and E 01.
P.R.122 has higher tinting strength than pigment violet 23, it is with excellent resistance to immigration and heat stability.
PR 122 dissolves in its medium and changes color accordingly at low concentrations.
C.I.Pigment Red 122 could be the standard bluish pigment red.
Cais: Argymhellir ar gyfer paent modurol, haenau pensaernïol, haenau coil, haenau diwydiannol, haenau powdr, pastau argraffu, PVC, rwber, PS, PP, PE, PU, inciau gwrthbwyso, inciau dŵr, inciau toddyddion, inciau UV.
Argymhellir Pigment Red 122 yn bennaf ar gyfer systemau dŵr a systemau toddyddion nad ydynt yn aromatig. Mae argymhellion ychwanegol yn cynnwys inciau gwrthbwyso, inciau pecynnu ac inciau flexo. Mae defnyddiau eraill yn cynnwys paent emwlsiwn mewnol a gwaith maen, haenau papur a phapur, argraffu tecstilau, staeniau pren, ac mewn lliwiau artistiaid fel inciau pen ffelt pigmentog, dyfrlliwiau a beiros lliw.
TDS (Pigment Red 122) MSDS (Pigment Red 122D)Gwybodaeth Gysylltiedig
Mae Pigment Red 122 yn goch golau glas byw iawn gyda golau lliw yn agos at magenta. Mae gan yr amrywiaeth pigment deilliadol quinacridone wrthwynebiad mudo rhagorol, sefydlogrwydd thermol rhagorol, ac mae'n rhoi coch golau glas pur neu magenta. Mae arwynebedd penodol Hostaprint Pink E yn 70m2 / g, ac arwynebedd penodol Hostaprint Pink E Tran yw 100m2 / g. Defnyddir yn bennaf mewn haenau modurol pen uchel, inciau argraffu a phlastigau, wedi'u cymysgu ag oren crôm molybdenwm ar gyfer haenau awyr agored a haenau powdr; a ddefnyddir mewn PS, lliwio ABS, a ddefnyddir hefyd wrth liwio mwydion polypropylen a polyester, ymwrthedd gwres 280 ℃; Gall rhai gyrraedd 450 ℃, a ddefnyddir ar gyfer inciau argraffu pen uchel a phecynnu ffilm blastig wedi'i lamineiddio inciau plastig, mae ganddo wrthwynebiad sterileiddio da. Defnyddiau: Defnyddir yn bennaf ar gyfer plastigau, resinau, rwberi, paent, inciau, resinau plastig gradd uchel, argraffu paent, a lliwio cynhyrchion plastig meddal.
Strwythur Moleciwlaidd :
Perfformiad: Lliw llachar, cryfder arlliwio cryf, ymwrthedd gwres uchel, ymwrthedd golau rhagorol, ymwrthedd toddyddion, dim ymfudo.
Pigment Red 122, synonymous with Quinacridone Red 122 and Paintco red 122, is a red powder with the molecular formula of C22H16N2O2. It is primarily used for the creation of offset, solvent and water-based inks. Pigment Red 122 can also be use as a pigment in the production of plastics, masterbatches, rubber, textile printing, coatings and paints.